For the Love of Salt

My love of salt started when I was a baby.  I chewed every wood surface I could find and sucked on it.  My mother asked the Doctor about this and he said that I was trying to get salt out of the wood.  He then said that some bodies just need more salt then others.

The first picture is the different kinds of salt that I have on hand at this time. Plus, the third picture is a Persian Blue Salt that I forgot to add to the pix.  I also have a Ghost Pepper salt that I just bought.  The middle picture is my collection of salt dips that I collect.  My favorite find was the little salt spoon that is laying beside the green one.

My love and absolute need for salt continued through my grade school years when I lived beside my grandmother’s house and there was a field that used to have cows in it.  There was a wonderful salt lick that I would take a rock to, and chip off small chunks and put in my pockets to eat on the bus or whenever I needed it.

I also knew where our church kept the rock salt that they used to salt the sidewalks in the winter.  I would fill my pockets with that on Sundays to eat through the week.  It was behind the pastor’s office door, by the way.

If all else failed, I would just go to the stove and pour salt into my hand and lick it out.  In my early 20’s, at a doctor appointment, he asked me if I was thirsty a lot.  I said yes, but I eat a lot of salt.  He still sent me for blood work, but it was all normal. Heh heh.

My current doctor said I may want to cut back a little on salt and I said that it was my favorite food group.  She didn’t even crack a smile.  I thought I was funny.

So here is a list of the kinds of salt that I have right now:  I have 2 Himalayan salt blocks, 1 Himalayan salt light, 2 Himalayan salt candle holders, Himalayan salt chunks, also in white, a Himalayan salt heart, white pretzel salt, tobacco spiced sea salt, roasted garlic sea salt, spicy garlic salt, sriracha salt, chipotle salt, green herbs salt, rosemary lavender salt, curry salt, plain sea salt, hickory smoke salt, cherry wood smoked sea salt, seasoned salt, garlic salt, Himalayan pink salt, smoked salt, Hawaiian red salt, Eurasian black salt, pure ocean salt, sel de guerande, Persian blue salt, jalepeno pepper sea salt, sriracha pepper sea salt, Cyprus citron flake salt, Carolina hickory smoked salt, Trapani salt road sea salt, Cyprus chili flake sea salt, and ghost pepper salt.

P.S.  I haven’t found anything that salt is not good on.